22. 4. 2015

Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini and Rdio

Well if you suffer of "No free storage" all the time on your Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini with Rdio installed, the problem is that Rdio cannot save offline data on your sdcard without your help.

Short story:

1. Logout
2. On Login screen in the very bottom there is "Set custom storage location"
3. Custom - /storage/sdcard0 (in default file manager app called "My Files" you can find out that sdcard is /storage/extSdCard but it doesn't work)

Long story:

I really like Rdio, but I had issue on my Android phone Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini that it saved all offline music downloads to internal memory so I constantly battle with "No free storage".
Long time I cannot find out how to change it. Than I find this article, which I was trying to find a long time - http://help.rdio.com/customer/portal/articles/890607-changing-your-default-storage-location. In the article they say Rdio want to use external storage but can't find out automatically right sdcard location on some phones - like on my Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini (it seems that there is some concept of sdcard emulation in internal memory for some reason). The trick is that to access "change file download location" setting is only on login screen (what?) - so you have to logout! Ok I did it but there was second problem - what is right path to sdcard? I am lazy so I run default file manager called "My Files" where I found /storage/extSdCard but it won't work. So I installed Total Commander to see file system how it is. Then I found out that there is directory /storage/sdcard0 which looks like subset of /storage/extSdCard. I don't know what is this all about, but /storage/sdcard0 is real content of my sdcard so I tried it and it works. Finally!

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